Shelf List of Materials -- Fiske Genealogical Library  revised: August 29, 2010

P - Families

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Location Sub-location Title Author/Comp./Editor
P Families PACE Pace: A Family History and Lineage John Raphael Pace
P Families PACKARD Packard Family Miscellany (New England Packards)
P Families PACKER History and Genealogy of the Packer Family (See microfilm roll #26) John Thurber Packer
P Families PAGE Addendum to the Denscendants of Robert Page of the King's House Col. George W. Page
P Families PAGE Descendants Of Robert Page of the King's House (Probably English Origins. . Of George Page of Branford, CT)  
P Families PAGE Genealogy of the Page Family in Virginia Richard Channing Moore Page
P Families PAGE History and Genealogy of the Page Family Chas. N. Page
P Families PAGE Page Family American Genealogical Research Institute
P Families PALMER Ancestral Lines of Truman Dixon Palmer and Emma Calista Barrett with Desc.
P Families PALMER Genealogical Record of descendants of John and Mary Palmer Lewis Palmer
P Families PALMER Palmer Families in America, Vol. 3 (William Palmer of Plymouth and Duxbury, Mass.) 
P Families PALMER Palmer Genealogy
P Families PALMER Palmer Groups (Descendants of Walter Palmer of Stonington, Conn.
P Families PALMER Walter Palmer of Charlestown and Rehoboth, Mass. and Stonington, Conn. Selected pages. 
P Families PARDEE Pardee Genealogy Donald L. Jacobus, ed.
P Families PARDOS Genealogy of the Pardos of Kent
P Families PAREHURST John Parkhurst b. 1760 at Weston, Mass., his ancestors and Descendants
P Families PARIS James C. Paris Gram, Constance Parker, comp.
P Families PARKE Smith Parke 1721-1807; Reuben Parke 1764-1856; and some of their Descendants and of the Allied Families of Sherman, Mann, Carey, Thomas Dorothy M. Whitcomb, comp.
P Families PARKER Genealogy and Biographical Notes of John Parker of Lexington Theodore Parker
P Families PARKER Parker and Kenny Families of New Jersey James Parker
P Families PARKER Parker Genealogy 19 pp. (See microfilm roll #4) Lena Parker Goodwin
P Families PARRISH Parrish Family Mercelia L. Boyd
P Families PARSONS Parsons Family Bulletin. 1961-1965(See microfilm roll #23) Milton Parsons
P Families PARSONS Parsons Family of Northampton, Mass.
P Families PATTEN Patten Genealogy: William Patten of Cambridge, 1635 and his Descendants Thomas W. Baldwin
P Families PATTIE Personal Narrative of James O. Pattie of Kentucky.  Orig. pub. 1833
P Families PATTON Descendants of James and Florence (Graham) Patton of Floyd County, KY, 4th ed Agricola, David V. M.D.
P Families PATTON Pattons, a Pioneer Family in Kentucky and Their Descendants
P Families PATTON Peddler Comes to Bucks County Alfred B. Patton
P Families PAULLIN Paullin Family of Southern, N.H. Elmer Garfield VanName
P Families PAXSON Paxson Brothers of Colonial Penn.
P Families PAXTON Paxtons:  We are One.  
P Families PAYN/PAYNE/PAINE Descendants Of John Payn from England to America 
P Families PEABODY Peabody Sisters of Salem Louise Hall Tharp
P Families PEABODY/PABODIE John Pabodie (Peabody) English Immigrant to Plymouth-Duxbury, 1635 with wife Isabel and children and some of his descendants Lainson, Dorothy A. Sherman
P Families PEABODY/PAYBODY  John Peabody and Descendants  
P Families PEARCE Pearce Genealogy, Being the Rec. of Post. of Richard Pearce of Portsmouth, Rhode Island Col. Frederick C. Pierce
P Families PEIRCE Solomon Peirce Family Genealogy Marietta Peirce Bailey
P Families PENDLETON Early New England Pendletons
P Families PENNINGTON Pennington Pedigrees--various Issues
P Families PENNINGTON Some Descendants Of Ephraim Pennington of Rowan Co., NC
P Families PENNYPACKER Autobiography of a Pennsylvanian Pennypacker, Samuel Whitaker
P Families PEPYS Genealogy of the Pepys Family Walter Courtenay Pepys
P Families PERCIVAL Ancestors and Descendants of John Percival of the Miramichi Dollahan, Jan Percival
P Families PERKINS Descendants of Edward Perkins of New Haven, Conn. Rochester, N.Y. 
P Families PERRIN Daniel Perrin TheHuguenot"andhisDesc.InAmerica1665-1910" Howland D. Perrine, comp. 
P Families PERRINE Perrine, Smith, Clark, Porter and Allied Families
P Families PERRY Descendants of John Perry of London Bertram Adams
P Families PERRY Genealogy & Biog. Rec. of the Descendants of Josiah Perry who res. in Worcester, Mass. 1751
P Families PETRIES Mohawk Valley Petries and Allied Families Patrick, Hazel, ed.
P Families PETTIT Pettit Family (See microfilm roll #24)
P Families PHILBATES See: Settlers Along the Shores of Virginia's York River
P Families PHILIPS Phillips Family of Smithfield, RI
P Families PHILLIPS Phillips and Allied Families Notebook
P Families PHINNEY Phinney Genealogy:  A Brief History Of Ebenezer Phinney (of Cape Cod) from 1637-1947 Mary Allen Phinney
P Families PICKEN See: Blount/Picken Genealogy
P Families PICKETT Pickett Notebook Ella Pool
P Families PIERCE Pierce Family
P Families PIERCE Seven Pierce Families Harvey Cushman Pierce
P Families PIERSON Pierson Millennium Richard E. Pierson & Jennifer Pierson
P Families PIKE Loyal Dissenter: The Life and Times of Robert Pike Warren, Roland L.
P Families PILE Genealogy of Benjamin & Ruth Pile. 8 pp. (See microfilm roll #6)
P Families PITKIN Pitkin Genealogy
P Families PITKIN See: Descendants of the Founders of Ancient Windsor
P Families PIXLEY New Pixley Press Susan Pixley
P Families PLANTAGENET Plantagenet Ancestry: a study in colonial and medieval families Richardson, Douglas
P Families PLATT Platt Genealogy
P Families PLIMPTON/PLYMPTON Genealogy and Historical Notices of the Family of Plimpton or Plympton in America and of Plumpton in England Levi B. Chase
P Families PLIMPTON/PLYMPTON  Plimpton-Plympton Genealogy (First 5 Generations)
P Families POCAHONTAS Pocahontas and Her Descendants
P Families POND Mayflower Ancestry of Theron Tilden Pond/ Founder of the T. T. Pond Company, now know as the Cheseborough-Pond, Inc. Ward, Edward P.
P Families POOR John Poor & His Descendants, Addendum 
P Families POPE Genealogy of Thomas Pope and some of his Descendants. 1888. (filed in more families)
P Families POPEJOY Popejoy Family in America 1700-1976
P Families PORTER John Porter and His Descendants Arthur A. Porter
P Families PORTER Porter Family Record (See microfilm roll #5) Slack
P Families POST Out on a Limb:  A Post Saga From Stephen (1596-1659) to Donald Eugene (1936-) Donal E. Post
P Families POTTER Potter Profiles Phillips, Donna Potter 
P Families POTTS Historical Collections relating to the Potts Family in Great Britain and America. Descendants of David Potts Thomas Maxwell Potts
P Families POTTS Jerry Potts, Plainsman Hugh A. Dempsey
P Families POTTS Potts Family of Penn.
P Families POUNDS Family History of a Lot of Pounds & Their Travels Parts I and II Walter C. Pounds, Jr.
P Families POWELL Powell Family of Norfolk and Elizabeth City Counties and their Descendants with notes and Data on the Collateral Families.  
P Families POWELL Some Descendants of the Connecticut and Massachusetts Branch of Powells
P Families POYNTZ Historical and Genealogical Memoir of the Family of Poyntz Sir John Maclean
P Families PRAETORIUS An Immigrant Settler Henry Praetorius
P Families PRATT Ancestry and Desceendants of John Pratt of Hartford, Conn. Charles B. Whittelsey
P Families PRATT Phinehas Pratt's Descendants W/ Narratives & Biog. Priscilla Lorena Pratt Briggs
P Families PRATT Sketch of the life of Samuel F. Pratt with some accounts of the Pratt Family
P Families PRESBREY William Presbrey of London, England, and Taunton, Mass. And his Descendants 1690-1918 Rev. Joseph Waite presby, Ph.D.
P Families PRESCOTT Prescott Memorial, or a Genealogical Memoir of the Prescott Families in America William Prescott, M.D.
P Families PRESTON Descendants of Roger Preston of Ipswich and Salem Village:  First 6 Generations.
P Families PRESTON Preston Genealogy (See microfilm roll #21) Wm. Preston
P Families PRESTON Preston/Lindsey Trail Rosaline Preston and Carol Huber
P Families PRICE Ancestors and Descendants of John Colwell Price, Harriet Inez Marston and Ferdinand Houtenbrink, Maria Augustina Lefort Barbara Houtenbrink
P Families PRIEST Degory Priest of the Mayflower.  (Filed in Plymouth Colony)
P Families PRIEST Mayflower Families in Progress:  Priest
P Families PRIEST Mayflower Families in Progress. Degory Priest (Filed in Plymouth Colony)
P Families PRIEST Mayflower Families through Five Generations, Vol. 8 Priest, Degory
P Families PRIEST Search for David: History and Genealogy of David H. Priest Sheldon W. Priest
P Families PRIM Early Life and Judicial Career of Paine Paige Prim 1822-1880 Dean E. Snyder
P Families PRINDLE/PRINGLE Prindle-Pringle Genealogy
P Families PROCTOR Proctor Genealogy:  Desc. of Evan and Mary Proctor A. Carlton Proctor
P Families PROUT Ancestry and Descendants of Captain Timothy Prout of Boston Dale Ellison Prout
P Families PROUTY Prouty (Proute) Genealogy Charles Henry Pope
P Families PUGH Pugh Family History American Genealogical Research Institute
P Families PUTNAM Putnam Genealogy
P Families PYNCHON William Pynchon of Springfield, Mass.
P Families PYNE John Pyne Family in America Frederick Wallace Pyne

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