Shelf List of Materials -- Fiske Genealogical Library  revised: August 29, 2010

H - Families

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Location Sub-location Title Author/Comp./Editor
H Families HACKNEY Hackney Family Woodford Co., KY  
H Families HADDOCK Haddock Notes
H Families HAGAN Thomas & Mary Hagan of Charles Co., Maryland and his Descendants in Central Kentucky to about 1850*** Hagan, Harry
H Families HAIGHT Some Records of the Haight Family
H Families HAIN History of the Hain Family, Descendants of George and Veronica Hain
H Families HAINES Ancestry and Descendants of Zimri and Elizabeth Compton Haines Clayton D. Hutchins
H Families HAINES Genealogy of Haines, Rogers, Austin, Taylor, Garwood, Reigh, & Hunt Families (See microfilm roll #26) Mrs. Robert E. Baldry
H Families HAINES Richard Haines and his Descendants
H Families HAKES Hakes Family(See microfilm roll #26) Harvey Hakes
H Families HALE Coal Miner who Came West Ernest Moore
H Families HALE Hale, House and Related Families Donald Lines Jacobus & Edgar Francis Waterman
H Families HALE Hale, House and Related Families:  Mainly of the CT River Valley Donald L. Jacobus and Edgar F. Waterman
H Families HALE Hale Lines
H Families HALE Sarah Josepha Hale:  A New England Pioneer, 1788-1879 Sherbrooke Rogers
H Families HALE See:  I am Because They Were
H Families HALEY Ancestry of Charity Haley
H Families HALEY Ancestry of Charity Haley 1755-1800 wf. of Maj. Nicholas Davis of Limington, ME
H Families HALL John Hall Family:  From Cootehill, Cavan County, Ireland Juanita Arndell Hall
H Families HALL Pedigree of Fletcher Garrison Hall
H Families HALLIBURTON Genealogical History of the Halliburton Family
H Families HALLOCK Hallock Genealogy
H Families HALSTEAD Halsteads (Halsteds) of Shrewsbury, NJ
H Families HALSTEAD Three Hundred and Fifty Years of Halsteads in America Halstead, Gary A.
H Families HAMILTON Descendants of Benjamin J. Hamilton*** Jones, Dorothy S. Hunt
H Families HAMILTON Hamilton Family American Genealogical Research Institute
H Families HAMILTON Hamilton Family of Charles Co. MD 
H Families HAMILTON Hamilton Notes
H Families HAMILTON Hamiltons of Fabius, New York Milton W. Hamilton
H Families HAMLIN Royal Lineage of the Hamlins Andrews, Hon. H. F.
H Families HAMMOND Hammond Family American Genealogical Research Institute
H Families HAMMOND History and Genealogy of the Descendants of William Hammond of London, England and his wife Elizabeth Penn Roland Hammond
H Families HAMPTON In the Footsteps of Joseph Hampton and the Pennsylvania Quaker Vernon Royce Hampton
H Families HANCOCK Joseph Woods Hancock, Life and Times of a Minnesota Pioneer 
H Families HANES People called Hanes
H Families HANEY Haney Family John Louis Haney
H Families HANKINS Hankins, Aug. 86
H Families HANNUM Genealogy of the Hannum Family:  Desc. from John and Margery Hannum Curtis H. Hannum
H Families HANNUM William Hannum of New England and some of his Descendants.
H Families HANSLER All about Grampa (My Most Unforgettable Character) Donald D. Hansler
H Families HANSON Hans Hanson of Red Lyon Hundred, New Castle Co., Delaware Baldwin Maull
H Families HAPGOOD Hapgood Family, Descendants of Shadrach 1656-1898, a new edition with supplement Warren Hapgood
H Families HARBINSON Harbinson Family 1801-1974 Harbinson, Ralph J.
H Families HARDESTY Hardesty Family in America*** Wesley, Irma Hardesty
H Families HARDING Harding Family History American Genealogical Research Institute
H Families HARMON Ancestry of Lydia Harmon 1755-1836 wf of Joseph Waterhouse of Standish ME
H Families HARMON Harmon Genealogy (Springfield, MA Branch) 
H Families HARRIS 1904 Diary of Mary Gainer Harris, wife of Joseph Harris Carolyn Fix Blount
H Families HARRIS Ancestry of Bethia Harris 1748-1833, wife of Dudley Wildes of Topsfield, MA
H Families HARRIS Civil War Letters 1860-1864 from Elmer & Leander Harris to their mother Mary Jane Colby Harris and 1850 letter of Miriam Allen to Stephen and Mary Jane Harris Marjorie Harris Carr, transcriber
H Families HARRIS Harris Family in US(See microfilm roll #26) Sarah Harris Keifer
H Families HARRIS Harris House
H Families HARRISON Harrison Family Research (See microfilm roll #16)
H Families HARRISON Harrison Family Research(See microfilm roll #19) Mildred Roberts
H Families HARRISON Harrisons of New Jersey: A Partial Genealogy Jean Harrison Stokes Childs, comp.
H Families HARROD James Harrod, the man and his family
H Families HART Hart Dynasty of Saybrook Grant, Marion Hepburn
H Families HART Hart Genealogy (Descendants of Stephen Hart)
H Families HART Hart Lines Betty N Soper, ed.
H Families HART Stephen & Celia Hart Families M. D. Hart
H Families HART The Hart Forum June Jackson Applen
H Families HARTER Andrew P. Harter and Margaret Conderman: their descendants and ancestors Crowell, Beverly J. Martin
H Families HARTER Mohawk Valley Harters and Allied Families Kofmehl, Marion and Hazel Patrick
H Families HARTT/HART Genealogical History of Samuel Hartt, Nicholas Hart, Isaac Hart, etc.  James M. Hart of Pasadena, Calif.
H Families HARTWELL Beetle Gazette:  Vol. 1 #3 1968; Vol. II #4 1969
H Families HARTWELL Hartwells of America
H Families HARVEY Harvey Book Oscar J. Harvey
H Families HARWOOD Genealogical History of the Harwood Families Watson H. Harwood
H Families HASKELL Chronicles of the Haskell Family  Ira J. Haskell
H Families HATCH Genealogy & History of Hatch Family (See microfilm roll #26) Ruth Hatch Hale
H Families HATHAWAY Hathaways of America
H Families HAUPT  Haupt Family Origins in the Rheinland-Pfalz and their American Descendants, Vol. II Haupt, Ray
H Families HAWBAKER Hawbaker Descendants from 1737 - 1978.  2nd Ed.
H Families HAWKINS Hawkins Workshop (filed in Misc. Families)
H Families HAWKS See:  I am Because They Were
H Families HAWLEY Hawley and Nason Ancestry  Elizabeth Hawley Everett
H Families HAWTHORNE Truth Is My Country:  Portraits of Eight New England Authors Hilda White
H Families HAY Family of Hay Charles J. Colcock
H Families HAYDEN Descendants and Biographies of Patrick Hayden..Ann Brett-Bret…Michael Lawless… Catherine Flanigan Sheeran, Betty Brown
H Families HAYES Hayes Family James Colby Hayes
H Families HAYES John Hayes of Dover, New Hampshire Katharine F. Richmond
H Families HAYFORD History of the Hayford Family
H Families HAZARD Hazard Family of Rhode Island Caroline Robinson
H Families HAZELTON Genealogy Sketches of Robert and John Hazelton and some of their Descendants
H Families HEACOCK Heacock Family
H Families HEALY See:  I am Because They Were
H Families HEARD Augustine Heard and His Friends Waters, Thomas Franklin
H Families HEATH Heath Family History American Genealogical Research Institute
H Families HEINECKE Genealogy of Adam Heinecke and Henry Vandersaal from 1747 to 1868 (in rare bookcase) Rev. Samuel Heinecke
H Families HELM Helm Bible Rec. 
H Families HENDERSON Ancestry and Descendants of Lt. John Henderson of Greenbrier Co. VA 1650-1900
H Families HENDERSON Descendants of Thomas Henderson; (including the Civil War Diaries of John Calvin Henderson) From Ireland to Indiana 1756-1994
H Families HENDERSON Henderson Family History American Genealogical Research Institute
H Families HENDRICK Hendrick Family--First 5 generations
H Families HENRY History of the Henry Family (Descendants of Marvin Henry)
H Families HENZEN Johann & Margaretha Henzen Family Webb-Pelkey, Nancy
H Families HERKIMER Mohawk Valley Herkimers and Allied Families Patrick, Hazel, Jane Spellman, William Watkins
H Families HERMAN Herman Family History American Genealogical Research Institute
H Families HERR Hans Herr Lancaster Mennonite Conf. Hist. Soc. 
H Families HERRICK Descendants of Esther Brewster Herrick & Noadiah Woodruff, updated edition
H Families HERRICK Herrick Genealogy (3 Vols)
H Families HERRING Herring Family History American Genealogical Research Institute
H Families HERRING Herring Highlights 1642-1984:  Lineage of Baaylis E., Hines, H. and Daniel M. Herring James M. Grimwood & Lola H. Kennedy
H Families HERTZLER-HARTZLER Family History
H Families HERZOG Herzog and Lambert Genealogy
H Families HEYDON/HAYDEN/HYDEN Heydon/Haysen/Hyden
H Families HICKOK Hickok Genealogy Charles Nelson Hickok
H Families HICKS Edward Hicks, Primitive Quaker Eleanor Price Mather
H Families HICKS Horatio Hicks History Mary Stevenson
H Families HICKS Samuel Hicks Family
H Families HIGDON Colonial Higdons and some of their Descendants*** Coone, Luccile B.
H Families HIGDON Descendants of Joseph Huffman Hidgon and Margaret Matilda Berry Higdon*** Wilkie, Jessie Higdon
H Families HIGDON Family Newsletter
H Families HIGDON Higdon Family Newsletter (filed in Misc. Families)
H Families HIGDON Higdons of Grayson County, Kentucky 1810 to 1900*** Peyton, Sarah Higdon
H Families HIGDON Higdon-Whitaker (various spellings) and allied families*** Hidgon, Bettina Blanche (Pearson)
H Families HIGLEY Higleys and their Ancestry Mary Coffin Johnson
H Families HILDRETH Ancestry of Sarah Hildreth 1773-1857 wf of Annis Spear of Litchfield, ME
H Families HILL Hill Family American Geneaolgical Research Institute
H Families HILLMAN Unto the Hills... Some Hillmans and Others (A partial genealogy of the southwest Virginia families of Carrico, Edwards, Hillman, Newberry, Stallard, Wells and other allied families*** Counts, Belva Marshall
H Families HILLS Genealogical Data related to Ancestry & Descendants of William Hills. . .& Joseph Hills Hills Family Gen. & Hist. Assoc.
H Families HINCKLEY Some Descendants of Samuel Hinckley of Barnstable, Mass.
H Families HINMAN Hinman Family Miscellany
H Families HINMAN Hinman Genealogy R. R. Hinman
H Families HINSDALE  Hensdale Genealogy; first 6 generations
H Families HINTON Hinton
H Families HINTON Hinton and Related Family History, 3rd Ed. Vols. 1, 2, 3
H Families HINTON Hinton and Related Family History, Vol. 1
H Families HINTON Hinton and Related Family History, Vol. 1
H Families HINTON Hinton and Related Family History, Vol. 2
H Families HITCHCOCK Genealogy of the Hitchcock Family who are descended from Matthias Hitchcock of East Haven, CT and Luke Hitchcock of Wethersfield, CT Mrs. Edward Hitchcock, Sr.
H Families HOADLEY History of the Descendants of William Hoadley of Branford, CT Trowbridge, Francis Bacon
H Families HOAGLAND History and Genealogy of the Hoagland Family in America 1638 to 1891 Daniel Hoogland Carpenter
H Families HOBSON Hobson Cousins
H Families HODGE Life of Charles Hodge, D.D. LL. D A. A. Hodge
H Families HOFFMAN Henry Hoffman:  Work in Progress (in notebook) Hoffman
H Families HOFFMAN Hoffman, Manning and Simmons Families of Dutches Co., NY Joyce Williams Hoffman & C. William Hoffman
H Families HOGAN Hogan Family
H Families HOGAN Hogan Family Assoc. Researach Quarterly (filed in Misc. Families)
H Families HOGARTH Biographical Anecdotes of William Hogarth. 1785 (in Rare Book Case)
H Families HOLCOMB Holcombes:  Nation Builders Hannah Elizabeth Weir
H Families HOLCOMB Holcombs; Nation Builders Hannah E. McPherson
H Families HOLCOMBE Holcombe - Doane - Henke Family History 1812-1983, Vol. I Mary Alice Henke
H Families HOLLIDAY Hollyday & Related Families of the Eastern Shore of Maryland James Bordley Jr.
H Families HOLLINGSWORTH In America Since 1607:  Hollingsworth Farmer & Judkins Families and many Related Families Walter I. Farmer
H Families HOLLISTER Hollister Family of America Lieut. John Hollister of Wethersfield, CT Case, LaFayette Wallace
H Families HOLMES Holmes Family of Mansfield, OH
H Families HOLMES Yankee from Olympus.  Justice Holmes and his Family
H Families HOLT Holt Family in the United States Daniel S. Durrie
H Families HOLWAY Holway-Rich Heritage
H Families HOLYDAY Holyday and Related Families of the Eastern Shore of Maryland James Bordley, Jr.
H Families HOOPER Hooper Genealogy Clarles Henry Pope and Thomas Hooper
H Families HOPKINS Hopkins of the Mayflower, Portrait of a Dissenter
H Families HOPKINS Mayflower Families in Progress:  Hopkins
H Families HOPKINS Mayflower Families through Five Generations Vol. 6 Hopkins, Stephen
H Families HORSFORD-HOSFORD  Horsford-Hosford Families in USA Hosford, Henry Hallock, comp
H Families HOSFORD Hosford Genealogy; history of descendants of William Hosford Hosford, Norman F. and David H. Hosford
H Families HOPKINS Some Descendants of Stephen Hopkins, Mayflower Passenger, 1620
H Families HOTCHKISS Descendants of Samuel Hotchkiss (ca 1622-1663) of New Haven, CT Vol. I Nellie Cowdell
H Families HOTCHKISS Hotchkiss Family:  Samuel Hotchkiss of Dodington, England, Vol. II Hotchkiss Family Association, Inc.
H Families HOWARD Howard Genealogy: Descendants of John Howard of Bridgewater, MA from 1643 to 1903 Heman Howard
H Families HOWARD Howard Genealogy:  Descendants Of John Howard of Bridgewater MA from 1643- 1903 index in front (See microfilm roll #20) Howard
H Families HOWARD Isaac Howard and his Descendants of Foster, R.I. Daniel Howard
H Families HOWE Howe Family History American Genealogical Research Institute
H Families HOWES Thomas Howes of Yarmouth, MA
H Families HOWLAND John Howland of the Mayflower, Vol. 2 & 2 Elizabeth Pearson White
H Families HOWLAND John Howland of the Mayflower Volume 1 & 2 Elizabeth Pearson White
H Families HOYT Celestia Jane Lettie"LewisHoytGenealogy"
H Families HOYT Genealogical History of the Hoyt, Haight and Hight Families, Vol. I & II David W. Hoyt
H Families HOYT Hoyt's Issue
H Families HOYT Hoyt's Issue Magazine
H Families HOYT Judge John Philo Hoyt 1841-1926 complied by University of Washington Law Libraries
H Families HOYT Judge John Philo Hoyt Genealogy, History, Last Will and Testament 1841-1926
H Families HUBBARD Hubbard Family History American Genealogical Research Institute
H Families HUBBARD One Thousand Years of Hubbard History 866 to 1895 Edward Warren Day
H Families HUFF Huff Genealogy:  Descendants of Engelbert Huff of Dutchess Co. NY George Lockwood Trigg
H Families HULCE/HULSE Hulce/Hulse Families in America: Desc. Of James Hulce/Hulst 1791-1875 Somerset Co., NJ Vol. 3 Lynn C. Harper
H Families HULING Huling Genealogy:  Descendants of James and Margaret Huling of Newport, Rhode Island and Lewes, Delaware Esther Littleford Woodworth-Barnes
H Families HULL Rev. Joseph Hull and Some of His Descendants Amy Eleanor E. Hull
H Families HULSE Hulse Family Network Notebook
H Families HUMBERT Humbert Family Descendants of Frederick Humbert of Bedford, Fulton Co. PA 
H Families HUMISTON Humiston Genealogy
H Families HUNGERFORD Hungerford Genealogy
H Families HUNLOKE Hunloke Family
H Families HUNT Genealogy of the Name of Hunt (See microfilm roll #)
H Families HUNTER Hunters of Early Rowan Co. NC (See microfilm roll #13) Barekman
H Families HUNTINGDON Huntington Genealogical Memoir, 1633 - 1915 
H Families HUNTON Hunton Genealogy:  Philip Hunton & his Descendants Daniel Huntoon
H Families HUNTOON Philip Huntoon (Hunton) and his Descendants (early generations)
H Families HURLBURT Hurlburt Family
H Families HURLEY Hurley Families in America Volume One W. N. Hurley Jr.
H Families HUSBROOK Husbrook Notebook Ella Pool
H Families HUSSEY Richard Hussey and his Descendants
H Families HUTCHINS Hutchins Genealogy Hutchins, Charles
H Families HUTCHINSON American Ancestors of Thomas Hutchinson 1711-1780, the Last Civil Governor of the Province of Mass. Bay and the Six Generations of his Descendants W. H. P. Oliver.
H Families HUTCHINSON Ancestors of Anne (Marbury) Hutchinson; 12 generations 
H Families HUTCHINSON Story of the Hutchinsons, Vol. 1 & 2 John Wallace Hutchinson
H Families HUTTON Genealogical Investigation of the Ancestors of Ray Hamilton Hutton (1895-1943) and Helen Louise Blaine (1894-1984) Hutton, Robert Eugene
H Families HUYCK Huyck (Howk Houck) in America 1600'2 - 1982 Wilson, Sylvia E.
H Families HYDE Descendants of Samuel Hyde who Came from London to Boston, 1639 and Johathan who came in 1647.


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