Shelf List of Materials -- Fiske Genealogical Library  revised: August 29, 2010

G - Families

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Location Sub-location Title Author/Comp./Editor
G Families GALLUP Genealogical History of the Gallup Family John D. Gallup Hartford, 1893
G Families GANN Gann Gazette (filed in more families)
G Families GARFIELD Life of James A. Garfield 
G Families GARDINER Gardiner Generations and Relations, Vol. I and II Gardiner Relations*** Gardiner, Thomas Richard
G Families GARLAND Garland Genealogy, First 5 Generations 
G Families GARLAND See:  I am Because They Were
G Families GARRISON A Garrison Family History: William Garrison of Albemarle County, Virginia and Some of His Descendants Garrison, Ray H.
G Families GARWOOD Garwood Family:  Thomas Garwood, born in Suffolk, England 1610.  21 pp. (See microfilm roll #7)
G Families GATES Gates Family of East Haddam, CT.
G Families GATES Gates Gazette Shirley Penna-Oakes
G Families GATES See:  Dawes-Gates Ancestral Lines:  A Memorial Volume Containing American Ancestry of Rufus R. Dawes, Vol. 1 Parts 1 and 2
G Families GAY Gay Family (5 Genealogy) (filed in more families)
G Families GEARHART Gearhart Family (filed in more families)
G Families GEER Families of George & Thomas Geer
G Families GEER Fifty Years in Oregon T. T. Beer
G Families GEER Joseph Geer of CT, Vt. and Quebec
G Families GEHMAN/GAYMAN Gehman/Gayman Family
G Families GEIL Geil Family History Joseph H. Wenger
G Families GETZ Getz Family 
G Families GIBBONEY History of John and Elizabeth Gibboney
G Families GIBBS Gibbs Family History
See:  My Forebears: History & Geneology of the Cunningham, Knox, Gibson, Borders, and Ewing Families
G Families GIDDINGS Giddings Family in North America  Desc. of George and Jane of Ipswich:  First Six Generations Vol. 1 Ralph L. Giddings and C. Bland Giddings
G Families GIFFORD Gifford Family
G Families GIFFORD Gifford Genealogy 1626 - 1896 Harry E. Gifford
G Families GIFT Gift Family Snyder Co., PA Pioneers
G Families GILBERT Gilbert Family of Maryland
G Families GILBERT Gilbert Gallery
G Families GILBERT Gilberts of Pennsylvania & Allied Families*** Gilbert, Harold Stanley
G Families GILDERHUS History of the Gilderhus Family, 26 pp. (See microfilm roll #16)
G Families GILL Gill Family in Maryland
G Families GILLAMS Gillams Galore
G Families GILLETTE Supplement to the Genealogy of George Gillette and John Watts Ford Louise Dollison Marsh
G Families GILLETTE Genealogy of George Gillette and John Watts Ford Louise Dollison Marsh
G Families GILLETTE Gillette Ancestry Bertha B. Aldridge
G Families GILLIS Gillis Newsletter
G Families GILLMAN Searches into the History of the Gillman or Gilman Family, Vol. I Gillman, Alexander
G Families GOBER Rev. Data of George Gober Sr. & John Camp 20 pp. (See microfilm roll #2)
G Families GODFREY Godfrey Genealogical Notes
G Families GODING Goding Family: A Record of the Desc. Of LlewellynGoding, Hannah Mary Howes Alan H. Hawkins
G Families GOFFS/GOUGHS Goffs/Goughs:  Their Ancestors & Descendants
G Families GOIN Goin Family of Hamilton and Hardin Counties, IL 
G Families GOLDFINCH Goldfinch Family History Goldfinch, Archie
G Families GOLDTHWAITE Goldthwaite Genealogy:  Descendants of Thomas Goldthwaite Charlotte Goldthwaite
G Families GOODALE/GOODELL Goodale/Goodell Family
G Families GOODHUE History and Genealogy of the Goodhue Family in England and America to the Year 1890 Rev. Jonathan E. Goodhue
G Families GOODSPEED Goodspeed Genealogy
G Families GOODWIN Goodwin Genealogy
G Families GORE Christopher Gore, Federalist of Massachusetts
G Families GORSUCH Gorsuch A Family History Vol. 1 Chapters 1-8 George Edward Gorsuch
G Families GOSS Goss Family History Paul H. Goss
G Families GOULD Ancestry and Posterity of Zaccheus Gould of Topsfield, Mass. 1872
G Families GOULD Life and Times of Joseph Gould, ex-member of the Canadian Parliament W. H. Higgins
G Families GOVE Tenth Generation Yankee from Maine Nettie Apphia Gove Nicholson
G Families GRAFTON Grafton Family of Salem Henry W. Belknap
G Families GRANBERRY Ancestry of Granberry Family
G Families GRANGER Granger Family
G Families GRANT Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant, Vol. I & II
G Families GRAVES Genealogy of the Graves Family in America Vol. 1
G Families GRAVES Intermarriages in the family of Samuel Graves of Lynn, MA
G Families GRAVES Sketch of the Family in England, Genealogy of the family of Thomas Graves of Hatfield, Mass. John Card Graves
G Families GRAY Descendants of John Gray, Worcester, Mass. 
G Families GRAY Gray Family(See microfilm roll #4) Orlando Gray Palmer & Anna Gray Bemis Cutler 
G Families GRAY Gray Genealogy, John Gray of Beverly, MA
G Families GRAY William Gray of Lynn, Mass. and some of his descendants Edward Gray
G Families GREELEY Genealogy of the Greely - Greeley Family First Six Generations
G Families GREEN Green Family Rec. from New London, CT 
G Families GREEN/GREENE Greene(Green) Family of Plymouth Colony Richard H. Greene
G Families GREENLEAF Ancestry of Jane Maria Greenleaf, the wife of William Francis Joseph Boardman.  Filed in the New England Section
G Families GREENOUGHS Greenoughs since the Civil War Family News Network
G Families GREER Daddy, We Hardly Knew You Germaine Greer
G Families GREGG Gregg Family of Pennsylvania
G Families GREGG Our German, Pilgrim, and Quaker Ancestors Mary Belle Lontz
G Families GREGORY Gregory Genealogy (Early Generations)
G Families GRIFFIN Griffin Family (First four generations)
G Families GRIGGS Griggs Family  (See microfilm roll #26) Walter Grigg
G Families GRISWOLD Ancestors & Descendants Of Edward Griswold of Dryden, NY (See microfilm roll #25) Harvey Griswold & Minnie Griswold Space
G Families GRISWOLD Griswold Family:  Edward Griswold Branch
G Families GROSSBRENNER Life of Bishop J. J. Glossbrenner A. W. Drury
G Families GROUT Excerpts from Genealogy and History of the Grout and Allied Families
G Families GROUT Excerpts from the Genealogy & History of the Grout and Allied Families
G Families GUERNSEY Garnsey - Guernsey Genealogy, 2nd Ed.
G Families GUILD Genealogy of Descendants of John Guild, Deedham, MA (See microfilm roll #26) Calvin Guild
G Families GUILE Guile-Gile-Guiles Genealogy
G Families GURKIN/GIRKIN Girkin - Gurkin Family 
G Families GURLEY Gurley Family
G Families GURNEY Gurney Family fromAaron to Zinglius; a genealogical dictionary Rigler, Jean Gurney
G Families GWIN History Of the Gwin Family (Gwin, Gwinn, Gwyn, Gwynn, Gwynne, Guin, Guinn, Wynn, Wynne) Jesse Blaine Gwin

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