
revised: January 14, 2013

Selected resources in the Fiske Genealogical Library...

Location Sub-location Title Author/Comp./Editor
Montana Anaconda Isaac F. Marcosson
Montana Building the Heard (Montana) 
Montana Central Montana Wagon Trails (filed in notebook)
Montana Country of Montana and North Dakota Tom Thayer
Montana Dawn in Golden Valley Montana
Montana Frontier Editor Daniel W. Whetstone 
Montana Golden Gulch:  The Story of Montana's Fabulous Alder Gulch Dick Pace
Montana Montana in the Making Newton Carl Abbott
Montana Montana Pioneer Heritage Sons & Daughters of the Pioneers
Montana Montana's Flathead Country Robert C. Gildart
Montana More than Petticoats:  Remarkable Montana Women Shirley
Montana Plains, Peakes and Pioneers:  History of Methodism in Montana
Montana See:  Bible Records from the Pacific Northwest
Montana University of Montana 1928 SENTINEL Annual
Montana *periodical Montana Past
Montana *periodical Montana Past Preservation
Montana *periodical Montana:  The Magazine of Western History
Montana *periodical Searchers (The) Broken Mountain Gen. Soc. Chester MT
Montana Carbon Co. See:  Pioneer Series of the Finnish-American Historical Society of the West Vol. 21 #1
Montana Cascade Co. Century in the Foothills 1876-1976:  History of the Eden Area
Montana Dawson Co. Tree Branches Vol. 1 #2 (filed in MT general notebook)
Montana Gallatin Co. Early History of Gallatin County, Montana
Montana Lewis & Clark Co. Forestvale Cemetery, Helena, Montana
Montana Ravalli Co. Montana Genesis:  History of the Stevensville Area of the Bitterroot Valley Stevensville Hist. Soc.
Montana Cascade Co. Stone Age to Space Age in 100 Years:  Cascade County History and Gazetteer

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