
revised: January 14, 2013

Selected resources in the Fiske Genealogical Library...

Location Sub-location Title Author
Kentucky 1790 First "Census of Kentucky"
Kentucky 1800 Second "Census"
Kentucky 1810  Index to the 1810 Census of Kentucky
Kentucky Big Sandy Valley William Ely
Kentucky Big Sandy Valley Willard Rouse Jillson
Kentucky Calendar of the Warrants for Land in Kentucky, Granted for Service in the French and Indian War Taylor, Philip Fall
Kentucky Centenary of Catholicity in Kentucky Hon. Ben. J. Webb
Kentucky Cornstalk Militia of Kentucky 1792 - 1811
Kentucky County in Kentucky History (The) Robert M. Ireland
Kentucky Discovery & Settlement of Kentucky (Orig. Pub. in 1784) John Filson
Kentucky Early Families of Eastern and Southeastern Kentucky William C. Kozee
Kentucky Early Kentucky Land Records, 1773-1780 Neal O. Hammon
Kentucky First Settlers of Kentucky (Notebook Series) from Genealogical Sketches printed in Kentucky Ancestors. 2 vol. 
Kentucky Forks of the Elkhorn Church Ernina Jett Darnell
Kentucky Frontier Kentucky
Kentucky Genealogies of Kentucky Families from the Filson Club History Quarterly
Kentucky Genealogies of Kentucky Families from the Register of the Kentucky Historical Society (Owens-Young)
Kentucky George Rogers Clark and His Men, Military Rec. 1778 - 1784
Kentucky Guide to Selected Manuscripts Housed in the Division of Special Collections and Archives, Margaret I King Library, University of Kentucky
Kentucky Historic Families of Kentucky(See microfilm roll #4) Thomas M. Green
Kentucky History of Kentucky Illustrated (biographical sketches)
Kentucky History of the Orphan Brigade Thompson, Ed Porter
Kentucky Jackson Purchase Journal No. 10  Fall 1994:  History & Genealogy in the Purchase of Kentucky Don Simmons
Kentucky Jackson Purchase Journal No. 9, Spring 1994:  History & Genealogy in the Purchase of Kentucky Don Simmons
Kentucky Kentuckians in IL
Kentucky Kentuckians in Missouri
Kentucky Kentuckians in Ohio and Indiana
Kentucky Kentucky Ancestry: A Guide to Genealogical & Historical Research  Roseann R. Hogan
Kentucky Kentucky Catholic Pioneers, Vol I: The Rolling Fork Settlement*** Thompson, Gerald
Kentucky Kentucky County Maps Puetz
Kentucky Kentucky County Maps
Kentucky Kentucky Court and Other Records, Vol. 1 & 2 William B. Ardery
Kentucky Kentucky Families:  A Bibliographic Listing 
Kentucky Kentucky Family Records, cumulative index, Vols 1-10*** Howard, Charlotte, compiler
Kentucky Kentucky Gazette, 1787 - 1800. Genealogical and Historical Abstracts
Kentucky Kentucky Genealogical Records & Abstracts Vol. 1 1781-1839  Eddlemon
Kentucky Kentucky Genealogical Research George K. Schweitzer
Kentucky Kentucky Genealogy and Biography, Vol. III Thomas W. Westerfield, ed.
Kentucky Kentucky Genelogical Records & Abstracts Vol. 2:  1796-1839 Sherida K. Eddlemon
Kentucky Kentucky Historical Society Annual Report 1996-1997
Kentucky Kentucky Historical Society  Guide to KY. Historical Highway Markers
Kentucky Kentucky Historical Society Microfilm Catalog, Vol. 1, 2, 3, 4.
Kentucky Kentucky Householders 1787 - 1811
Kentucky Kentucky in the War of 1812 Quisenberry, Anderson Chenault
Kentucky Kentucky Land Grants, 1782-1924 Vol. 33 Jillson, Willard Rouse
Kentucky Kentucky Landholders. 1787-1811
Kentucky Kentucky Marriages 1797 - 1865
Kentucky Kentucky Marriages, Early to 1800
Kentucky Kentucky Obituaries 1787-1854
Kentucky Kentucky Pioneer & Court Records McAdams
Kentucky Kentucky Pioneers and Their Descendants Ila Earle Fowler
Kentucky Kentucky Records:  Early Wills and Marriages, Old BibleRecords & Tombstone Inscriptions Mrs. Wm. B. Ardery, comp. 
Kentucky Kentucky Tax Lists(Index to tax lists) Kentucky Historical Society 
Kentucky Kentucky Tax Records
Kentucky Libraries for Genealogical Research in Kentucky
Kentucky Marylanders to Kentucky 1775 - 1825 Henry C. Peden Jr.
Kentucky My World Jesse Stuart
Kentucky Old Kentucky Entries and Deeds : A Complete Index to All of the Earliest Land Entries, Military Warrants, Deeds and Wills of the Commonwealth of Kentucky Jillson, Willard Rouse
Kentucky Personal Narrative of James O. Pattie of Kentucky
Kentucky Petitions of the Early Inhabitants of Kentucky to the General Assembly of Virginia, with supplement
Kentucky Pictorial History J. Winston Coleman, Jr., ed.
Kentucky Pioneer Families of Eastern & Southern Kentucky
Kentucky Pioneer Women Joanna L. Stratton
Kentucky Religion in Antebellum Kentucky
Kentucky Revolutionary Soldiers in Kentucky
Kentucky See:  1787 Census of Virginia by Netti Schreiner-Yantis
Kentucky See: 1998 Maryland/Kentucky Reunion Surname Index***
Kentucky See:  Colonial Heroines of Tennessee, Kentucky and Virginia
Kentucky See:  Colonials and Patriots:  Historic Places
Kentucky See:  Draper Collection, Kentucky Papers Vol. II 
Kentucky See:  Early American Inns and Taverns (filed In New England)
Kentucky See:  Family Tree Maker's Family Archives: CD # Kentucky Genealogies #1 1700s-1800s
Kentucky See:  Family Tree Maker's Family Archives: CD #233 Kentucky, 1851-1900 Marriage Index
Kentucky See:  Historic Houses of Early America (filed in reference, houses)
Kentucky See:  Holston Pastfinder filed in Tennessee
Kentucky See:  Log Lick KY Baptist Church of Christ Rec.--See:  NGSQ 63:118
Kentucky See:  Passports of Southeastern Pioneers 1770-1823 Filed in South
Kentucky See:  Shane Manuscript Collection:  A Gen. Guide to the Kentucky & Ohio Papers  (filed in Ref. Military)
Kentucky See:  Virginia County Records, Vol. VIII:  A Key to Southern Pedigrees
Kentucky See:  Who's Who Among American High School Students for Ohio/Kentucky, 1990/1991
Kentucky See:  Wilderness Road (See:  Kentucky General)
Kentucky Shane Manuscript Collection; a Genealogical Guide to the Kentucky and Ohio Papers William K. Hall
Kentucky Sketches of the Early Catholic Missions of Kentucky 1787-1827*** Spalding, M. J.
Kentucky Sources for Genealogical Searching in Kentucky Betty L. McCay
Kentucky Tax Lists of Jackson Purchase 1822, 1823, 1824 Don Simmons
Kentucky They Came to Kentucky Alberta Carson Kirkwood
Kentucky Thirteen Steps Up the Gallows:  History of Legal Hangings in the Tradwater River Area of Kentucky Dennis Kirchner, comp.
Kentucky Valley of the Ohio Mann Butler
Kentucky Wilderness Road Cemeteries in Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia Robert F. Johnson
Kentucky *periodical Blue Grass Roots Kentucky Gen. Society
Kentucky *periodical Blue Grass Roots
Kentucky *periodical Bulletin (The) West Central KY Family Research Assn.
Kentucky *periodical Bulletin of the Kentucky Historical Society
Kentucky *periodical Central Kentucky Newsletter
Kentucky *periodical East Kentuckian Journal of Genealogy & History
Kentucky *periodical Falling Leaves
Kentucky *periodical Filson Club History Quarterly
Kentucky *periodical Kentucky Ancestors
Kentucky *periodical Kentucky Ancestors: Quarterly of the Kentucky Historical Society Kentucky Historical Society
Kentucky *periodical Kentucky Explorer
Kentucky *periodical Kentucky Genealogist
Kentucky *periodical Kentucky Genealogy Society
Kentucky *periodical Kentucky Historical Society Annual Report 1993, 1995
Kentucky *periodical Kentucky Kinfolk
Kentucky *periodical Kentucky Pioneer Genealogy & Records
Kentucky *periodical Longhunter (The) South Kentucky Gen. Soc.
Kentucky *periodical Register of the Kentucky Historical Society
Kentucky *periodical Register of the Kentucky Historical Society Kentucky Historical Society
Kentucky *periodical Travo:  (South Central Kentucky)
Kentucky Adair Co. Adair Co. Review
Kentucky Adair Co. Methodist History of Adair Co., (Kentucky) 1782-1869 Vista Royse Allison
Kentucky Allen Co. See:  Eight Allen Co. Fam. Cemeteries See: Kentucky Ancestors 22:79
Kentucky Allen Co. See:  Kentucky Marriages Vol. 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35
Kentucky Anderson Co. History of Anderson Co.
Kentucky Anderson Co. See: Washington, Mercer, and Anderson Counties, Kentucky Mortality Schedules for 1850-1860-1870-1880 also Deaths reported in 1874-1878 Vital Statistics Washington, Mercer, and Anderson Counties, Kentucky***
Kentucky Anderson Co. See:  Kentucky Marriages Vol. 13, 14, 16 17
Kentucky Barren Co. Barren Co. Wills
Kentucky Barren Co. Cyrus Edwards' Stories of Early Days and Others, in what is now Barren, Hart and Metcalfe Counties (Kentucky)
Kentucky Barren Co. See:  Kentucky Marriages Vol. 28,, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35
Kentucky Bath Co. Marriages of Bath Co. KY
Kentucky Boone Co. Abstracts of Wills
Kentucky Boonesborough Early Settlers of Fort Boonesboruugh, KY
Kentucky Bourbon Co. Bourbon Circuit.  Court Records
Kentucky Bourbon Co. Bourbon Co., KY Will Abstracts 1786 - 1816
Kentucky Bourbon Co. See:  Kentucky Marriages Vol. 22, 25, 27
Kentucky Boyle Co. See:  Abstracts of some deeds, Boyle Co. See:  Kentucky Ancestors 21:66, 147
Kentucky Bracken Co. See:  Three Family Cemeteries See:  KY Anc. 21:212
Kentucky Breckenridge Co. Record of Wills in Breckenridge County, Kentucky for the period of Years 1800 to 1825 Bell, Annie Walker Burns
Kentucky Breckenridge Co. Roman Catholic Cemeteries of Breckinridge and Meade Counties Kentucky, Vol. 1*** Bolin, Daniel Lynn
Kentucky Bullit Co. Fort Knox Cemeteries in Bullitt, Hardin, and Meade Counties Kentucky*** McDowell, Sam
Kentucky Bullit Co. Fort Knox Cemeteries in Bullitt, Hardin, and Meade Counties Kentucky*** McDowell, Sam
Kentucky Butler Co. Pioneer Families of Butler Co. KY South of the Green River Austin & Rouk
Kentucky Caldwell Co. See:  First Tax List, 1809 See:  KY Anc. 22:86
Kentucky Caldwell Co. See:  Jackson Purchase Journal No. 9
Kentucky Calloway Co. Calloway County, KY Tax Lists 1825-1826-1827-1828 Don Simmons
Kentucky Calloway Co. Cemetery Records 
Kentucky Calloway Co. Marriage Records of Calloway Co. 
Kentucky Calloway Co. See:  Jackson Purchase Journal No. 9
Kentucky Calloway Co. See:  Jackson Purchase Journal No. 10
Kentucky Campbell Co. See:  Four and Twelve Mile Baptist Church Records See:  NGSQ 61:40
Kentucky Carlisle Co. See:  Jackson Purchase Journal No. 10
Kentucky Carlisle Co. See:  Jackson Purchase Journal No. 9
Kentucky Carroll Co. See:  Kentucky Marriages Vol. 6, 7, 8, 9
Kentucky Christian Co. Abstracts of Will Books, Christian Co. Kentucky, 1797-1900
Kentucky Christian Co. History of Christian Co., KY 1930.
Kentucky Christian Co. See:  Jackson Purchase Journal No. 10
Kentucky Clark Co. Abstracts of Clark Co., KY Wills
Kentucky Clark Co. History of Clark Co., KY:  Land of our Fathers.
Kentucky Clark Co. See:  Clark Co. Marriages.  See:  Kentucky Marriages Vols. 22, 25, 27
Kentucky Cumberland Co. 1820 Census
Kentucky Cumberland Co. See:  1799--First Tax List, 1799  See:  KY Anc. 21:78
Kentucky Daviess Co. Daviess County, Kentucky Cemeteries Vol. IV "Mater Dolorose" Catholic Cemetery*** Sapp, Sue
Kentucky Daviess Co. Saint Lawrence Baptismal Records, Daviess County, Kentucky*** Hamilton, Anna
Kentucky Estill Co. Estill Co. Will Books A, B. & C.  (in Kentucky Frontiersmen, Vol. 5)
Kentucky Estill Co. See:  Estill Co. Marriages See:  Kentucky Marriages Vol. 22, 25, 27
Kentucky Fayette Co. Fayette County, Kentucky Genealogical Society Quarterly
Kentucky Fayette Co. History of Fayette Co. W. H. Perrin, ed.
Kentucky Fayette Co. See:  Marriage Bonds 1803-1814.  The Gen. Dept. DAR p. 45, 63, 85, 104, 141
Kentucky Fayette Co. Wills and Estates 1788 - 1822
Kentucky Floyd Co. Annals of Floyd Co. Charles C. Wells
Kentucky Floyd Co. Floyd Countian
Kentucky Frankfort  See:  Frankfort Cemetery Records  See:  KY Anc. 22:172
Kentucky Franklin Co. Marriage Bonds 1795 - 1810
Kentucky Franklin Co. See:  Franklin Co. Marriages See:  Kentucky Marriages Vol. 13, 14, 16, 17
Kentucky Fulton Co. See:  Jackson Purchase Journal No. 9
Kentucky Gallatin Co. Marriage Records of Gallatin Co.
Kentucky Garrard Co. Wills and Estates 1796 - 1819
Kentucky Grant Co. 1860 Census of Grant Co., KY
Kentucky Graves Co. Graves County, Kentucky Pension Records / Abstracts of pension papers of soldiers of the Revolutionary War, War of 1812 and Indian Wars residing in Graves Co., KY Bell, Annie W. Burns
Kentucky Graves Co. See:  Jackson Purchase Journal No. 9
Kentucky Green Co. Green Co. Deaths
Kentucky Green Co. Green County Review
Kentucky Green Co. Green County Review
Kentucky Hardin Co. Hardin Co. Marriage Records
Kentucky Hardin Co. See: Fort Knox Cemeteries in Bullitt, Hardin, and Meade Counties Kentucky***
Kentucky Harlan Co. Early Settlers on the Poor Fork of the Cumberland River, Harlan Co. Kentucky and Adjoining Counties Jackie Owen
Kentucky Harrison Co. Kentucky Marriages 1794 - 1832
Kentucky Harrison Co. See:  Seventeen Seventy-Six
Kentucky Hart Co. See:  Cradock - Jones Cemetery See:  KY Anc. 21:85
Kentucky HartCo. Hart County Kentucky Historical Quarterly:  1973-1979
Kentucky HartCo. See:  Barren Co.--Cyrus Edwards' Stories of Other Days.
Kentucky Henry Co. Henry Co. Bibliography
Kentucky Henry Co. See:  Henry Co. Marriages See:  Kentucky Marriages Vol. 6, 7, 8, 9
Kentucky Henry Co. Will Records:  Marriage Records of Henry Co.
Kentucky Henry Co. Will Records of Henry Co., KY, l800 - 1821 
Kentucky Hickman Co. Marriage Bonds 1822-1845 Hickman Co. Kentucky Fulton Gen. Soc.
Kentucky Hickman Co. See:  Jackson Purchase Journal No. 9
Kentucky Jefferson Co. Abstract of Wills  1780 - 1814
Kentucky Jefferson Co. Early Jefferson Co. Wills from Filson Club Quarterly 1783-1832
Kentucky Jefferson Co. Early Kentucky Settlers:  Records of Jefferson Co., KY Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.
Kentucky Jefferson Co. Line and By-Lines Louisville Genealogical Society
Kentucky Jefferson Co. Lines and By-Lines Louisville Genealogical Society
Kentucky Jefferson Co. Louisville's First Families(See microfilm roll #4) Kathleen Jennings
Kentucky Jefferson Co. Office Souvenir Program of Lexington Sesqui-Centenniel Jubilee Celebration May31 - June 6 1925 General Committee
Kentucky Jefferson Co. See:  Abstracts of Wills  See:  NGSQ 6:49-55: 65-74
Kentucky Jessamine Co. Abstracts of Wills 
Kentucky Johnson Co. Founding of Harman's Station William Elsey Connelley
Kentucky Johnson Co. Highland Echo
Kentucky Kent Co. Roman Catholic Diocese of Owensboro, Kentucky
Kentucky Knox Co. Knox Co. Kentucky Kinfolk
Kentucky Laurel Co. Branches of Laurel
Kentucky Laurel Co. Southwest Laurel Co. Cemeteries Laurel Co. Historical Society
Kentucky Lawrence Co. See:  First Tax List, 1822 See:  KY Anc. 21:207
Kentucky Lee Co. Lee Co. Historical & Gen. Society Newsletter
Kentucky Lee Co. See:  Marriage Book 1 See:  KY Anc. 22:146
Kentucky Letcher Co. Brief Family History of John Q. Brown and Elizabeth Caudill Brown, Letcher County's First School Teacher Cordelia Collins Schauber
Kentucky Letcher Co. Letcher Heritage News Letcher Co. Hist. & Gen. Soc.
Kentucky Letcher Co. Notebook
Kentucky Lewis Co. Lewis County Cemeteries Sue Wood
Kentucky Lewis Co. Shakin' and Diggin'  Lewis Co. His. Society
Kentucky Lincoln Co. 1787 Census of Virginia--Lincoln Co., KY in notebook
Kentucky Lincoln Co. Abstracts of Wills Book I 1780-1791
Kentucky Lincoln Co. Historical Records of Old Crab Orchard (Lincoln Co. KY)(See microfilm roll #11) McGhee, comp.
Kentucky Lincoln Co. Lincoln Co. Probate Records 1780-1791
Kentucky Lincoln Co. Marriage Bonds 1780-1851 Burns
Kentucky Lincoln Co. See:  McCormak Christian Ch. See:  KY Anc. 21:17
Kentucky Lincoln Co. Tithables in Lincoln Co.
Kentucky Lincoln Co. Wills and Estates 1781 - 1807
Kentucky Livingston Co. Chronicles of a Kentucky Settlement William C. Watts
Kentucky Livingston Co. Livingston Co. KY Tax Lists 1800-1801-1802
Kentucky Livingston Co. Livingston County Kentucky, History and Families 1798- 1989, Vol. I
Kentucky Livington Co. See:  Jackson Purchase Journal No. 10
Kentucky Madison Co. Madison Co. Marriages
Kentucky Madison Co. See:  Four Family Graveyards See:  KY Anc. 22:227
Kentucky Madison Co. Wills and Estates 1785 - 1813
Kentucky Marion Co. Early 1872 Marion County Kentucky Marriages Book 1*** Bertram, Dianna F
Kentucky Marion Co. History of St. Charles Church and Centenary of the Congregation, 1806-1906*** Pike, J.J.
Kentucky Marion Co. Holy Cross Catholic Church Baptisms, Marriages, Cemetery*** Bertram, Dianna F
Kentucky Marion Co. Marion County KY Vital Statistics, 1852-1862 1874-1876*** Kington, Margaret Clark
Kentucky Marion Co. Marion County, KY 1850 Census***
Kentucky Marion Co. See:  Early Catholic Cemetery Listings of Washington, Nelson and Marion Counties Kentucky. 1984
Kentucky Marion Co. St. Charles Boromeo Catholic Cemetery List, St. Mary, KY*** Thompson, Thomas Gerald
Kentucky Marion Co. Tours of Historical Churches, Religious Motherhouses, Courthouses, and County Libraries
Kentucky Marion Co. Marion County KY (western portion)***
Kentucky Marshall Co. Marshall Co. KY Cemeteries, Vol. 2 Elvira B. Lewis
Kentucky Marshall Co. See:  Jackson Purchase Journal No. 9
Kentucky Marshall Co. See:  Jackson Purchase Journal No. 10
Kentucky Mason Co. Deed Book Abstracts.  2 Vol.
Kentucky Mason Co. Early Wills of Mason Co., KY
Kentucky Mason Co. See:  Marriage Bonds 1834-1860 in The Gen. Dept DAR p. 403, 425, 444, 467, 485, 506, 525, 550 566, 578.
Kentucky McCracken Co. See:  Jackson Purchase Journal No. 9
Kentucky McCracken Co. See:  Jackson Purchase Journal No. 10
Kentucky Meade Co. See: Fort Knox Cemeteries in Bullitt, Hardin, and Meade Counties Kentucky***
Kentucky Meade Co. See: Roman Catholic Cemeteries of Breckinridge and Meade Counties Kentucky, Vol. 1***
Kentucky Mercer Co. 1850 Federal Census Mercer County Kentucky Faye Sea Sanders, comp.
Kentucky Mercer Co. Marriage Records of Mercer Co., KY, 1816-1830 Ellsberry, Elizabeth Prather
Kentucky Mercer Co. Mercer County, Kentucky Marriage Records, 1786-1800; Will Records, 1786-1801***
Kentucky Mercer Co. Mercer Co., KY Wills and Estates 1786 - 1808 Franklin, Charles M.
Kentucky Mercer Co. Mercer Co., KY Wills and Estates 1800-1821 Franklin, Charles M
Kentucky Mercer Co. Old Mud Meeting House Harrodsburg Historical Society
Kentucky Mercer Co. See:  Presbyterian Church Record  See:  KY Anc. 20:154
Kentucky Mercer Co. See: Washington, Mercer, and Anderson Counties, Kentucky Mortality Schedules for 1850-1860-1870-1880 also Deaths reported in 1874-1878 Vital Statistics Washington, Mercer, and Anderson Counties, Kentucky***
Kentucky Mercer Co. Will Records, Mercer Co. KY, 1818-1824 (Will Book 7), 1825-1826) Will Book 8) Ellsberry, Elizabeth Prather
Kentucky Monroe Co. Monroe Co., KY History 1820-1970
Kentucky Montgomery Co. Some Marriages in Montgomery Co. before 1864
Kentucky Montgomery Co. Will Records of Montgomer County, Kentucky 1796-1821
Kentucky Morgan Co. Morgan Co., KY Genealogical Sourcebook.
Kentucky Morgan Co. Morgan County, KY Cemetery Records J. Nickell et. al.
Kentucky Morgan Co. Selections from Morgan County History Sesquicentennial Volume I Helen Price Stacy and Wm. Lynn Nickell
Kentucky Morgan Co. Will Abstracts and Related Records Morgan KY Before 1900 
Kentucky Muhlenberg Co. Marriage Records 1799-1836
Kentucky Nelson Co. Marriages 1785 - 1810; 1811 - 1830
Kentucky Nelson Co. Nelson & Spencer Counties Kentucky Cemetery & Graveyard Tombstone Inscriptions, Part II
Kentucky Nelson Co. Nelson County Genealogist
Kentucky Nelson Co. Nelson County Kentucky Poll Book Index 1830-1840
Kentucky Nelson Co. Marriage, Bond & Consent Book of Nelson County 1801-1816***
Kentucky Nelson Co. Nelson County Kentucky Cemeteries, Vol. III; Northwestern Section (Including Nazareth & St. Thomas)*** Nelson Co. Genealogical Society
Kentucky Nelson Co. Nelson County Kentucky Cemeteries, Vol. IV; Central Section (Including Bardstown and St. Joseph Cemeteries)*** Nelson Co. Genealogical Society
Kentucky Nelson Co. Nelson County Pioneer
Kentucky Nelson Co. See:  Early Catholic Cemetery Listings of Washington, Nelson and Marion Counties Kentucky
Kentucky Nelson Co. See:  Tours of Historical Churches, Religious Motherhouses, Courthouses, and Counties Libraries
Kentucky Nelson Co. Wills and Estates 1785 - 1807
Kentucky Nicholas Co. History of Nicholas County, KY Joan Weissinger Conley, comp. & ed. 
Kentucky Nicholas Co. See:  Apprenticeship Bonds  See:  NGSQ 67:177
Kentucky Ohio Co. Ohio Co., (Kentucky) in the Olden Days Harrison D. Taylor
Kentucky Oldham Co. Pension Papers (abstracts)
Kentucky Oldham Co. See:  Kentucky Marriages Vol. 6, 7, 8, 9
Kentucky Pendelton Co. See: Seventeen Seventy-Six
Kentucky Pike Co. Marriages 1822 - 1865
Kentucky Pike Co. See:  Births, 1855  See:  KY Anc. 21:23
Kentucky Pulaski Co. Early Marriages and Wills, Pulaski Co., Kentucky.
Kentucky Pulaski Co. Pulaski Co. Historical Society Newsletter
Kentucky Russell Co. Russell Co. Death Records
Kentucky Russell Co. See:  Births 1852 - 1854 See:  KY Anc. 20:213
Kentucky Russell Co. See:  Blair Cemetery See:  KY Anc. 21:141
Kentucky Scott Co. History of Scott Co.
Kentucky Scott Co. Marriages 1793 - 1850
Kentucky Scott Co. See:  Marriages See:  Kentucky Marriages Vol. 13, 14, 16, 17
Kentucky Scott Co. Wills and Estates 1795 - 1822
Kentucky Shelby Co. History of Shelby Co.
Kentucky Shelby Co. See:  Marriages See:  Kentucky Marriages Vol. 6, 7, 8, 9
Kentucky Shelby Co. Wills and Estates 1792 - 1817
Kentucky Simpson Co. See:  Vital Records See:  KY Anc. 20:161
Kentucky Spencer Co. See:  Stodghill Farm Graveyard See:  KY Anc. 23:12
Kentucky Spencer Co. See:  Nelson & Spencer Counties Kentucky Cemetery & Graveyard Tombstone Inscriptions, Part II
Kentucky Stamping Ground Co. History of the Baptist Church at the Stamping Ground (Kentucky) J. W. Singer
Kentucky Trigg Co. History of Trigg Co., KY 1884
Kentucky Trimble Co. 1850 Census of Trimble Co., KY with Mortality Schedule Donna Strak Thompson
Kentucky Trimble Co. Revolutionary War Soldiers of Trimble County, Kentucky
Kentucky Trimble Co. See:  Kentucky Marriages Vol. 6, 7, 8, 9
Kentucky Warren Co. Abstracts of Wills; Abstracts of Wills, Books A & B, 1798-1821.
Kentucky Warren Co. See:  Marriages See:  Kentucky Marriages Vol. 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35
Kentucky Warren Co. See:  Powers of Attorney See:  KY Anc. 21:91
Kentucky Warren Co. See:  Thomas Cemetery See:  KY Anc. 22:16a
Kentucky Washington Co. Early Catholic Cemetery Listings of Washington, Nelson and Marion Counties Kentucky
Kentucky Washington Co. See:  Tours of Historical Churches, Religious Motherhouses, Courthouses, and Counties Libraries
Kentucky Washington Co. St. Rose Catholic Church Baptisms 1849-1887. Springfield  Washington Co. Kentucky 
Kentucky Washington Co. Kentucky Vital Statistics Washington County, Kentucky Marriages--Births--Deaths 1852-1860*** Sander, Faye Sea
Kentucky Washington Co. Pioneer History of Washington County, Kentucky, as compiled from newspaper articles by Orval W Baylor and others*** Cook, Michael L and Bettie Anne Cook, eds
Kentucky Washington Co. Washington Co. Kentucky Deed Abstracts 1802-1811 Vol. 2*** Sander, Faye Sea
Kentucky Washington Co. Washington Co. Kentucky Deed Abstracts 1811-1814 Vol. 3*** Sander, Faye Sea
Kentucky Washington Co. Washington County Kentucky 1850 Federal Census*** Crume, Mrs. Barney D
Kentucky Washington Co. Washington County Kentucky Cemeteries, Vol. 1*** Sander, Faye Sea
Kentucky Washington Co. Washington County Kentucky Cemeteries, Vol. II*** Sander, Faye Sea
Kentucky Washington Co. Washington County Kentucky Cemeteries, Vol. III*** Sander, Faye Sea
Kentucky Washington Co. Washington Co. KY Bicentennial History  Sander, Faye Sea
Kentucky Washington Co. Washington County, Kentucky Marriage Records 1792-1878*** Sander, Faye Sea
Kentucky Washington Co. Washington County, Kentucky, St. Rose Cemetery and other "tidbits," Book 4*** Bertram, Dianna F.
Kentucky Washington Co. Washington County, Kentucky, Wills 1889-1911*** Sander, Faye Sea
Kentucky Washington Co. Washington County, KY Court Order Book 1792-1800*** Sander, Faye Sea
Kentucky Washington Co. Washington County, KY Marriage Bonds known as "The Wetbook"*** Sander, Faye Sea
Kentucky Washington Co. Washington County, KY Marriage Records 1826-1835*** Sander, Faye Sea
Kentucky Washington Co. Washington, Mercer, and Anderson Counties, Kentucky Mortality Schedules for 1850-1860-1870-1880 also Deaths reported in 1874-1878 Vital Statistics Washington, Mercer, and Anderson Counties, Kentucky*** Sander, Faye Sea
Kentucky Washington Co. Washington Co. News from the Historical & Genealogical Society
Kentucky Washington Co. Washington County Kentucky 1893 School Census Faye Sea Sanders
Kentucky Wayne Co. Index to a Century of Wayne Co., Kentucky 1800-1900.
Kentucky Wayne Co. Wills of Wayne Co., Kentucky 1802-1909, abstracted Mildred M. Nutter
Kentucky Whitley Co. Whitley Co. KY Will Bk. 1, 1818-1854
Kentucky Wolfe Co. Early and Modern History of Wolfe County*** Wolfe Co. Woman's Club
Kentucky Woodford Co. History of Woodford Co., (KY) William E. Railey
Kentucky Woodford Co. Pisgah Church, Woodford Co., KY
Kentucky Woodford Co. See:  1860 Census Woodford Co. See:  Kentucky Frontiersmen, Vol. 1
Kentucky Woodford Co. See:  Bible Rec. See: KY Anc. 23:78
Kentucky Woodford Co. See:  Bride's Index to Marr. 1789 - 1823  KY Anc. 22:23, 105 (This book indexes the marriages printed in Woodford Co. History by Railey, book is at Fiske Library)
Kentucky Woodford Co. See:  Woodford Co. Marriages  See:  Kentucky Marriages Vol. 13, 14, 16, 17
Kentucky Woodford Co. Wills and Estates 1789 - 1815

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