
revised: January 14, 2013

Selected resources in the Fiske Genealogical Library...

Location Sub-location Title Author/Comp./Editor
Ireland Index to Grifith's Valuation of Ireland 1848-1864
Ireland 1831 Tithe Defaulters Stephen McCormac
Ireland 1993/94 Telephone Directory
Ireland Ancestral Map of Ireland
Ireland Blennerville, Gateway to Tralee's Past Liam Kelly, Geraldine Lucid, Maria O'Sullivan
Ireland Book of Irish Names: First, Family & Place Names Ronan Coghlan, Ida Grehan & P. W. Joyce
Ireland Book of Ulster Surnames Robert Bell
Ireland Complete Book for Tracing Your Irish Ancestors Michael C. O'Laughlin
Ireland Counties in Time:  Documents and Commentaries from the National Archives of Ireland
Ireland Forgotten Part of Ireland P. J. Joyce
Ireland Gaelic Gleanings
Ireland Gaelic Titles and Forms of Address
Ireland Genealogical Research in Cobh
Ireland General Alphabetical Index to Townlands and Towns, Parishes, and Baronies of Ireland
Ireland Great Cities on Dublin
Ireland Griffith's Valuation
Ireland Guide to Irish Churches and Graveyards Brian Mitchell
Ireland Guide to Irish Parish Registers Brian Mitchell
Ireland Guide to Irish Roots Including Celts, Viking, Normans, Kings, Queens and Commoners William and Mary Durning
Ireland Handbook on Irish Genealogy:  How to Trace Your Ancestors and Relatives in Ireland Heraldic Artists, Ltd.
Ireland History and Antiquities of the Diocese of Ossory with a New Index Carrigan, Rev. William
Ireland Householder's Index by The Griffith's Valuation
Ireland How to Trace Your Family Tree Pamphlets #1-24 and Local History #1-6 & 9(filed in Ireland notebook) Public Record Office of Northern Ireland
Ireland IGI Ireland 1992 (microfiche)
Ireland In Search of Your British & Irish Roots Angus Baxter
Ireland Index of the Prerogative Wills of Ireland, 1536-1810 Sir Arthur Vicars, ed.
Ireland Index of Townland & Towns, Parishes & Baronis of Ireland
Ireland Index to Prerogative Wills of Ireland
Ireland Ireland:  A Concise History Conor Cruise O'Brien
Ireland Ireland Beautiful Wallace Nutting
Ireland Ireland:  Genealogical Research Guide
Ireland Ireland:  Misc. Travel Information
Ireland Ireland Register of Deeds with Surname and County Indexes 1708-1929
Ireland Irish & Scotch Irish Ancestral Research Vol. I and II  Falley
Ireland Irish Family Histories Ida Grenhan
Ireland Irish Family History Marilyn Yurdan
Ireland Irish Family History Library Catalogue Simplified Linda Adair Hjelm
Ireland Irish Family Names Map:  Arms & Mediaeval Locations Collins
Ireland Irish Family Research Made Simple, 2nd ed. E. J. Collins
Ireland Irish Family Research Made Simple, rev. ed. E. J. Collins
Ireland Irish Genealogy; a Record Finder Donal F. Begley
Ireland Irish Heritage Betty Pfeiffer, comp.
Ireland Irish Names and Surnames Rev. Patrick Woulfe
Ireland Irish Records Ryan
Ireland Irish Records Sources for Family & Local History James G. Ryan
Ireland Irish World Abrams
Ireland New Genealogical Atlas of Ireland Mitchell, Brian
Ireland Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland Map Catalogue with notes on related publications and servics Department of Environment for Northern Ireland
Ireland Origins in Ireland: A Seminar Sponsored by Seattle Gen. Soc. 1991
Ireland Philips' Handy Atlas of the Counties of Ireland John Bartholomew
Ireland Research Outline for Ireland Family History Library
Ireland Researching at Public Records Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI):  Research Guides
Ireland Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Records 1984 Department of Environment for Northern Ireland
Ireland Scotch Irish Pioneers in Ulster & American Bolton
Ireland See:  British Isles Vital Records Index CD 
Ireland See:  Family Tree Maker's Family Archives CD #197:  Census Index:  Ireland 1831, 1841
Ireland See:  In Search of Your British-Irish Roots by Baxter filed in England
Ireland See:  International Society for British Gen. & Fam. Hist.
Ireland See:  Parish Register Copies in Lib. of Soc. of Gen.
Ireland See:  Passenger Lists from Ireland (Excerpted from Journal of the American Irish Historical Society.)
Ireland See:  Pioneer Irish in New England (filed in NE)
Ireland See:  Scotch-Irish:  A Social History (filed in Scotland)
Ireland See:  Scotch-Irish Family Research Made Simple
Ireland See:  Tombstones of the Irish Born Cemetery of the Holy Cross Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY
Ireland Seminar on Ireland Research Donna R. Hotaling
Ireland Shell Guide to Ireland Lord Killanian & Michael V. Duignan
Ireland Short History of Ireland MIke Wallace
Ireland Special Report on Surnames in Ireland Sir Robert E. Matheson
Ireland St. Mullin's St. Michael's Tombstone Inscriptions
Ireland Supplement to Irish Families
Ireland Ulster Emigration to Colonial America 1718-1785 Dickson, R. J.
Ireland Ulster Sails West Marshall
Ireland Visitations of Ireland
Ireland Your Irish Ancestors J. Anderson Black
Ireland *periodical Familia
Ireland *periodical Ireland of the Welcomes
Ireland *periodical Irish Families
Ireland *periodical Irish Families
Ireland *periodical Irish Roots
Ireland *periodical Irish Genealogical Helper
Ireland *periodical Journal of West Belfast Historical Society
Ireland *periodical Lisburn Historical Society Journal
Ireland *periodical Local History Review
Ireland *periodical Newsletter of the Irish Family History Forum
Ireland *periodical North Irish Roots
Ireland *periodical North Munster Antiquarian Journal
Ireland *periodical South Mayo Family Research Journal
Ireland *periodical Tiara Newsletter Irish Ancestral Research Association
Ireland *periodical Ulster Genealogical & Historical Guild
Ireland *periodical Ulster Local Studies
Ireland Dublin Consolidated Index to Records of Genealogical Office Dublin, Ireland Vol. I Chapter A-C Virginia Wade McAnlis
Ireland Dublin Consolidated Index to Records of Genealogical Office Dublin, Ireland Vol. II Chapter D-H Virginia Wade McAnlis
Ireland Dublin Consolidated Index to Records of Genealogical Office Dublin, Ireland Vol. III Chapter I-O Virginia Wade McAnlis
Ireland Galway Galway Roots:  Clanna na Gaillimhe, Vol. II Galway Family History Society
Ireland Galway Galway Roots:  Clanna na Gaillimhe Galway Family History Society
Ireland Limerick Co. Dowd's History of Limerick Dowd, Rev. James
Ireland Limerick Co. Families of County Limerick Ireland from the Earliest Times to the 20th Century O'Laughlin, Michael C.
Ireland Londonderry Aghadowey:  A Parish and its Linen Industry Rev. T. H. Mujllin
Ireland Ulster Research Outline for Ulster Province of Ireland Family History Library
Ireland Ulster Co. Ulster Genealogical & Historical Guild Subscribers' Interest List #12

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