
revised: January 14, 2013

Selected resources in the Fiske Genealogical Library...

Location Sub-location Title Author/Comp./Editor
Iowa Centennial Memoirs of Iowa (2 Vol.) includes families of:  Currier, Patrick, Shambaugh, Shirnek, Calvin, Loos, MacBride, Peck, Raymond and Wilson
Iowa Fire Insurance Maps of Iowa Cities & Towns--a list of holdings
Iowa German Settlers of Iowa:  Their Desc. & European Ancestors Margaret Krug Palen
Iowa German Settlers of Iowa:  Their Descendants and European Ancestors Margaret Krug Palen
Iowa Historical Sketch and Alumni Record of Iowa Wesleyan College, 1917
Iowa Index to the Annals of Iowa 1st Series Vols. 1-12 Jacob Van der Zee
Iowa Index to Topographic Maps of Iowa
Iowa Iowa Connections; a researchers guide to early settlers of Iowa, where they came from and the towns they built Betty L. Berentson
Iowa Iowa Genealogical Society Publications Including Chapter Pubs. Oct. 1995
Iowa Iowa Marriages, early to 1850
Iowa Iowa Queries, Vol. 1, 1987
Iowa Newspaper Collection of the State Historical Society of Iowa( L. O. Cheever
Iowa Pageant of the Press--a Survey of 125 years of Iowa Journalism 1836-1962 Wm. J. Petersen
Iowa See:  Iowa Surname Index, Vols. 1-4,
Iowa Seven Amana Villages
Iowa State of Iowa: Official Register 1937-38 Drennen, Lester W. ed.
Iowa State of Iowa: Official Register 1953-54 Needham, Sherman W.
Iowa Welsh Way (The):  Oral History of the Long Creek Welsh Community in Iowa
Iowa Willian Wade Hinshaw Index to Iowa Quaker Meeting Records: Orthodox Records, Vol. 2 Hinshaw, William Wade
Iowa *periodical  Hawkeye Heritage
Iowa *periodical Annals of Iowa
Iowa *periodical Genealogist (The)
Iowa *periodical Iowa Genealogical Society Newsletter
Iowa *periodical Iowa Hawkeye
Iowa *periodical Palimpsest
Iowa *periodical See:  Midwestern Heritage 
Iowa Allamakee Co. Extraction of Vital Records from the History of Allamakee Co. Iowa, 1913 Rita Goranson
Iowa Boone Co. History of Boone Co., Iowa, 1902
Iowa Boone Co. See:  Carroll Co.
Iowa Boone Co. Trail & Tales
Iowa Carroll Co. Racoon Valley Regional Telphone Directory, April, 1987 (includes Boone, Guthrie, Greene and Dallas Cos.)
Iowa Cedar Co. History of Cedar County with a History of Iowa Historical Publishing Co.
Iowa Chickasaw Co. See:  notebook
Iowa Clayton Co. See:  Alexander MacGregor and His Town
Iowa Clinton Co. Biographical Record of Clinton County, Iowa
Iowa Dallas Co. Cemeteries Vol. IV Bretheren Cem.
Iowa Dallas Co. See:  Carroll Co.
Iowa Davis Co. Cleveland Twp. Cemeteries (except IOOF) Davis Co. Iowa Iowa Gen. Soc.
Iowa Davis Co. Davis Co. Iowa Deaths (1880-1884) (1897-1900) & Marriages (1844-1854) Iowa Genealogical Society
Iowa Des Moines Co. Biographical Review of Des Moines Co., (Iowa)
Iowa Des Moines Co. See:  Early Marriages of Des Moines Co., (Iowa) 1835-1853.  See:  DesMoines Co. Genealogical Society Quarterly Nov. 1989 & Aug. 1990
Iowa Dubuque Co. Antique Dubuque 1673-1833 M. M. Hoffmann
Iowa Dubuque Co. Dubuque Co. 1880
Iowa Dubuque Co. Dubuque Co. Historical Society Newsletter
Iowa Dubuque Co. Dubuque, Iowa in 1876 (The Character of the Country) Key City Genealogical Society Newsletter
F627.D8 Dubuque Co. History of Dubuque County, Iowa: being a general survey of Dubuque County history, including a history of the City of Dubuque Oldt, Franklin T. & Patrick Joseph Quigley
Iowa Franklin Co. Family Sketches from History of Franklin and Cerro Gordo Co., (Iowa)
Iowa Fremont Co. See:  Tracing Your Roots in the Missouri River Valley 
Iowa Greene Co. See:  Carroll Co.
Iowa Guthrie Co. History of Stuart IA 1870-1970
Iowa Guthrie Co. See:  Carroll Co.
Iowa Hardin Co. Pioneer Family Records and Stories of Ancestors Hardin County, Iowa Daughters of the American Revolution of Iowa
Iowa Harrison Co. See:  Tracing Your Roots in the Missouri River Valley
Iowa Ida Co. Genee' News (The) Ida County Gen. Soc.
Iowa Ida Co. See:  County Notebook
Iowa Indianapolis Co. Records of Indianapolis, Iowa Christian Church
Iowa Iowa Co. Cemetery Directory of Amish and Mennonites in Iowa, Johnson and Washington Counties
Iowa Jefferson Co. Iowa Jefferson and Van Buren Counties Every-name Index to Portrait & Biographical Album 1890 Workman, M. J.
Iowa Jones Co. Jones Co. History and Genealogical Records 1996. Vol. 1 Pedigree Charts of Families of Jones Co. IA
Iowa Jones Co. Jones Co. History and Genealogical Records 1996. Vol. 2 Family Group Sheets of Families of Jones Co. IA
Iowa Jones Co. Jones Co. History and Genealogical Records 1996. Vol. 3 Marriage Index
Iowa Jones Co. Jones Co. History and Genealogical Records 1996. Vol. 4 Parentage Index
Iowa Jones Co. Jones Co. History and Genealogical Records 1996. Vol. 5 Birth & Death Index for Families of Jones Co. IA
Iowa Keokuk Co. Marriages 1844-1860. (in notebook)
Iowa Linn Co. History of Linn Co. Iowa, Vol. 1  Brewer & Wick
Iowa Mahaska Co. Journal of Travels Across the Plains in 1855  Loring S. Comstock
Iowa Mills Co. I Remember Hastings Otha D. Wearin
Iowa Mills Co. See:  Tracing Your Roots in the Missouri River Valley
Iowa Monona Co. See:  Tracing Your Roots in the Missouri River Valley
Iowa Polk Co. 1850 Census
Iowa Polk Co. History of Polk Co. IA. Union Historical Co. 1880 (in rare bookcase)
Iowa Pottawattamie Co. Frontier Chronicle
Iowa Ringgold Co. Biographical and Historical Record of Ringgold and Union Counties
Iowa Rock Co. Atlas of Rock Island County, Illinois, containing maps of Villages, Cities and Townships of the County Iowa Publishing Co.
Iowa Scott Co. Annals of Iowa Vol. One, 1863 William J. Petersen
Iowa Scott Co. Scott County Iowa's Newspapers Abs. From Davenport Democrat & Leader 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907 Scott Co. Genealogical Society
Iowa Shelby Co. Past and Present of Shelby County, Iowa, Vol. 1 and 2 Edward S. White
Iowa Taylor Co. History of Taylor Co. Iowa Des Moines:  State Historical Co.
Iowa Taylor Co. Supplement to Tombstone Record of Taylor Co. IA Stephens, et al.
Iowa Taylor Co. Taylor Co. Iowa Genealogy Society
Iowa Union Co. See:  Ringgold Co.
Iowa Van Buren Co. Iowa Van Buren Co. Maple Hill Cemetery Inscriptions Union Township Van Buren Co. Gen. Soc.
Iowa Van Buren Co. See;  Iowa Jefferson and Van Buren Counties Every-name Index to Portrait & Biographical Album 1890
Iowa Warren Co. History of Warren County, Iowa Warren County Genealogical Society
Iowa Washington Co. History of Washington Co., Iowa 1835 - 1875
Iowa Washington Co. See:  Washington Co. Notebook for 1949 Cenus and 1852 Tax list
Iowa Wayne Co. Wayne  County Genie News Wayne County Gen. Soc.
Iowa Winneshiek Co. Winneshiek County, Iowa Biographies 1996
Iowa Woodbury Co. 1978 Morningside College Alumni Directory College & University Press
Iowa Woodbury Co. See:  Tracing Your Roots in the Missouri River Valley 
Iowa Wright Co. Wright Co., Iowa

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