
revised: January 14, 2013

Selected resources in the Fiske Genealogical Library...

Location Sub-location Title Author/Comp./Editor
Alaska Alaska Bush Pilots in the Float Country Archie Satterfield
Alaska Alaska Steam:  A Pictorial History of Alaska Steamship Co.
Alaska Alaska Travel Schedules
Alaska Biographies of Alaska-Yukon Pioneers 1850-1950 Vol. 2. Ferrell, comp. & ed.
Alaska Biographies of Alaska-Yukon Pioneers 1850-1950 Vol. 3. Ferrell, comp. & ed.
Alaska Crooked Road:  The Story of the Alaska Highway David A. Remley
Alaska Early Visitors to Southeastern Alaska:  Nine Accounts DeArmond, ed.
Alaska Judge Wickersham's Old Yukon:  Tailes--Trails--Trials Hon. James Wickersham
Alaska See:  Kendlers':  the Story of a Pioneer Alaska Juneau Dairy
Alaska See:  Pioneer Series of the Finnish-American Historical Society of the West
Alaska Talkeetna Cronies Nola H. Campbell
Alaska Juneau Juneau Telephone Book, 1980
Alaska Ketchekan Ketchekan Telephone Book, 1980
Alaska Skagway Skagway Story Howard Clifford

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